Don’t we all recall waiting for the day when all of the riots and revolts would eventually end? None of us can ever forget how they’ve defined our LGBTI community over the years, can we?
Well, I can’t because I’ve lived through it. Much like any other member of the LGBTI community, I’ve had my share of toil and emotions throughout the journey. And when the news of marriage equality finally knocked on our doors, I remember having tears of joy in my eyes that soon grew into a river splashing down my cheeks.
The news of the results of the postal vote on that unforgettable day called for a celebration, of course. And LGBTI couples reciprocated by making their weddings special in every way possible, one of which was the trending decision of not settling on a random date for the wedding. Marriage dates are as special to the rainbow community as is the news of marriage equality. Much the reason why couples today resist sticking to dates available as determined by the traditional wedding venues.

For the Want of a Special Date
Lots of LGBTI couples want special dates for their special day that they’ve waited far too long for – their wedding. If you’re a couple trying to zero down a date, there are endless ways to decide on one. You can have your wedding on the date you first met or perhaps on the anniversary of the day you fell in love!
If you were dating each other virtually, you can also arrange your ceremony on the date you met face-to-face. Not only that but choosing one of your birthdays is also a great option to consider. I have also witnessed couples choose a date that reminds them of people. In some cases, it is the birthday of a loved one or the wedding anniversary of their parents. Or even the date when a friend died of AIDS.
Help yourself with this blog on How To Plan Your Same Sex Wedding on a $1000 Budget. Some nice tips that you can try
But apart from those dates, the special date for your wedding can be something else, as well! As a part of the LGBTI community, chances are that you might consider a date that holds value to the community, as a whole. And to do so, you can be holding your wedding on a date that has a specific meaning in the LGBTI calendar, some of which are:
IDAHOT Day (17 May)
“International Day against Homophobia” i.e. “I.DA.HO” was first observed on 17th May 2004. And in 2009, Transphobia was added explicitly in the title of the name. The day is observed all across the world as a movement against the alarming amount of discrimination and homophobia faced by LGBTI people. It is one of the most important dates in the LGBTI calendar as it helps the community mobilize worldwide.
The mobilizations are against the violence, discrimination and hatred experienced by LGBTI people. They unite millions of people in support of human rights for all, irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity. The date is an annual reminder of LGBTI rights at law. Countries all over the world mark this day with events. So if you’re trying to put the message loud and clear from the LGBTI community, then it is a great day to marry.
And when the news of marriage equality finally knocked on our doors, I remember having tears of joy in my eyes that soon grew into a river splashing down my cheeks.
– Bronte Price
International Transgender Day of Visibility (31 March)
LGBTI people are a diverse community hailing from various backgrounds and I’m proud to be one of them. The International Transgender Day of Visibility is celebrated on 31st March when people unite in large numbers to celebrate the transgender community all around the world. But as a member of the LGBTI community, you know that the world has been harsh before this. Transgender people have been continuously denied the right to equality. This day marks the importance of the inequity that that represents.
Celebrate Bisexuality Day (23 September)
This day is celebrated by Bisexual people (denoted by the letter B in the LGBTI acronym). Bisexual people observe this day to validate their existence in society and to counter the social, economic and cultural injustices they have faced – and continue to face. This day stands as a global announcement that bisexual are valued members of our community and that they refuse to continue to be erased and negated. This is one day that marks the LGBTI calendar as a beautiful day of love.
World AIDS Day (1 December)
HIV and AIDS continue to haunt the LGBTI community much more than any other community, particularly in Africa and Asia. Although major advances in treatment and prevention have been made, there’s still so much to be done. World AIDS Day is observed all across the world to promote awareness of the disease and to remember those who live with HIV / AIDS as well as others who have died from AIDS in decades past.
World AIDS Day holds a strong position in the LGBTI calendar. For some couples, it can be a poignant reminder, on their wedding day, of the sacrifices made by others in times past (perhaps a friend) – and the challenges that lie before us in making HIV / AIDS extinct.
The start of the Stonewall Riots (28 June)
The Stonewall Riots began when the homosexual people revolted for one of the first times ever, against police rule and harassment. It started with a collective expression of anger. There were a series of violent demonstrations by members of the LGBT community. And an angry reaction to the police raids resulted in the riots. Although people remember the day for what had happened, my reasons differ. I believe the day does not celebrate a revolt, it rather celebrates unity. I see it as a date when the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people truly united for the first time. And I’m sure it is not wrong to say, that 28th June denotes the foundation of the LGBTI community as a whole. Having said that, planning your wedding on a day that celebrates intolerance and unity, is one of the best things you can do!
The Date Marriage Equality became a Reality in Australia (9 December)
In my opinion, the attainment of marriage equality in Australia has been the best law amendment made in recent times. This event took place on 9th December 2017 and hence, the day is really special for rainbow couples here. Whether you need to plan your gay wedding or are looking for your soulmate, remember all of this, is now possible because of this date. Marriage equality celebrates the rights of same-sex couples to marry. Same-sex marriages are happening all over the world and being recognized too! And what’s better than exchanging vows on the anniversary of the day it was legalized?
I believe our weddings display our beliefs and how we choose to live our lives. An LGBTI wedding is an opportunity for any couple to reflect their bond to the world. Not only that, it is an opportunity to have a wedding that’s authentic and unique too!
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