It’s now nine months ‘til your big day! By now, you’ll have noticed things getting done – and you’ll be feeling proud of yourselves because you have given some big items from your checklist a big fat rainbow tick. But often, as the countdown from 10 months progresses, the 9 month mark can be a time of some stress – it’s pretty much psychological and comes purely from the fact that suddenly you notice that you’re down to single digits – and time is running away all by itself. Stay calm. And keep focused on the reason you’re both doing this.

This month, the main things on the checklist are:
- optional preliminary photo shoot
- discounted rate for guests’ accommodation
- decorations
Pre-Photo Shoot
If you’ve decided to have a wedding photographer, and if you’ve got the budget for it, arrange with them to do a preliminary photo shoot with you. It’ll get you used to being photographed, help build your relationship with your photographer and also provide you with some fabulous shots before your special day.
It’s pretty much psychological and comes purely from the fact that suddenly you notice that you’re down to single digits.
– Bronte Price
If you can, negotiate a discounted rate for any of your wedding guests who stay at a particular hotel / accommodation If you contact one venue and let the venue know that your guests will be staying there, they might be prepared to do you a deal. Don’t forget to decide if you want your wedding party (if you’re having one) stay overnight with you the night before and / or after your wedding. And, if you do, then include them in the accommodation numbers.
Do you need them? Or is the place where you’re getting married and having your after-party sufficiently lovely that it needs no further decoration? That said, this is your opportunity to leave no stone unturned, in terms of flamboyantly decorating your wedding and party space, if that’s your thing.
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