It’s at this point that lots of your wedding plans are coming together. It’s very much a team effort and there are still some decisions to be made. But by now, you’ve already mastered most of the big decisions. In some ways, as the day gets closer, the pressure becomes less, as long as you’ve been keeping up with the tasks all along.

This month, the focus is on:
- Buying or hiring extras
- Providing feedback on your ceremony
- Firm up your music – band? DJ? singer? piper? playlist?
- Wedding rings
- Attire fitting
Venue Extras
Make sure you know about any other extras you need that the venue won’t provide, and either buy or hire them.
Hiring A Celebrant
Work with me as your celebrant to provide feedback on various drafts of your ceremony, as many times as you need, to get it perfect – including your vows. As someone who has co-planned his own LGBTI wedding, I found the most difficult thing of all was to get the personal vows just right. They’re so important – in fact, they are, arguably, the most significant part of the entire wedding day – be prepared for numerous drafts to be had, as you strive to get the wording perfect.
By now, you’ve already mastered most of the big decisions. In some ways, as the day gets closer, the pressure becomes less, as long as you’ve been keeping up with the tasks all along.
– Bronte Price
Hiring a Band
If you’re having musicians or a band, contact them and let them know of any particular songs you want played. Importantly, let them know of any songs you absolutely do not want played! Help them – give them a playlist! Consider having a wedding singer – here’s one you should certainly consider: Phoebe Deklerk at And if you need a piper, check out Robert Crozier.
Wedding Playlist
If you’re having a Spotify playlist, make sure you’ve started putting it together by now. LGBTI couples find that it’s not easy finding songs that aren’t hetero-normative or songs that have a lovely melody but inappropriate lyrics or that one of you likes but the other detests
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Wedding Rings
If you haven’t already done so, pick up your wedding rings, if you’re going to exchange rings. Try them on and get any necessary adjustments done.
Wedding Dresses
Now’s the time to have a fitting for what you will wear on your special day. Remember, it’s more important to be comfortable and authentic than it is to look identical. There are no rules around what you should wear. It’s your day! Wear whatever you want. But if you’ve told your guests that it’s going to be an informal wedding and you turn up in suits and ties, or in wedding dresses, it wouldn’t gel somehow.
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